"Snoop Dogg" embodies the spirit of Bob Marley

Announced famous rapper "Snoop Dogg" change his name to "Snoop Lyon" retire "to Gangusta rap" and heading to the sound of "reggae" After that inhabited by the spirit of "Bob Marley."
 In a surprise move, said, "Snoop Dogg" he turned from rap and went to reggae his new name "Snoop Lyon," as reported "Associated Press".Sarh "Snoop" present what goes on in his mind at a press conference earlier this week, noting that his visit to Jamaica in the month of February of this year like "birth his second," The hair connects the spirit of "Bob Marley" founder stream "reggae" Lyrical, embodies the spirit now, and was the son of "Bob Marley" present at the press conference held Park words "Snoop."The Snoop (40 years): "I feel like I was a follower of Rastafari always" rastafari is religion that accept Emperor Haile Selassie I, the former emperor of Ethiopia, as the embodiment of the Lord and called "Jah." Perhaps the most important factor in the spread culture Rasta in the world is a singer Bob Marley and music "reggae" around the world and that created some sort of interest in this religious movement, to increase the number of followers for a million around the world and they are characterized Paljdaúl and colors (black, red and gold and green)He also noted "Snoop" that he would not sing includes ideas violence in stream the "rap Gangusta " music anymore, but will travel to the ideas of peace in the music, "reggae". He added: "It is unfortunate that commits acts stupid people using weapons."
In a related context - His name is the original "Calvin Kordmas" - became known songs "
Gangusta rap", which calls for violence after the termination of Snoop for his high school, becoming the biggest stars rap music and a source of pride for many African-Americans on the West Coast of the United States, the label itself Snoop Doug goes back to is dubbed mother when he was "Snoop" small so I took his mother is dubbed Bsnobi (nickname) and took Snoop Dogg nickname of his name which his mother was calling him by his name was initially Snoop Doggy Dogg and after a period of time is the name of fame to Snoop Dogg.Is expected to release a new album for the singer "Snoop Dogg or Lyon" followed by a documentary film about his biography in the book. Although enlightens the spirit of "Snoop" since February last but problems dogged wherever, and most recently in the month of June when stopped "Snoop Dogg" at the airport Kjetil Norwegian before participating in the local festival on charges of possessing a small amount of hashish, and fined an amount two thousand dollars and was released hours after his detention to prevent from entering Norway for two years

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