Asha's 55 foot dreadlocks on set

 'I've got the world's longest dreadlocks'

For most people the story of Rapunzel and her legendary long locks is simply a fairytale, but for American Asha Mandela, the record holder for the world's longest dreadlocks, it's a reality.
Asha, 47, has been growing her dreadlocks for the past 25 years. Measuring up to a whopping 55ft in length - that's the height of three buses - and weighing over two and a half stone, Asha says her hair is her life.

Having to carry the extra load in a baby sling on her back, it takes Asha two full days to wash and dry her dreadlocks, and despite doctors' advice that keeping her hair so long could paralyse her, she refuses to go for the chop. She joins us today to tell us why...

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